First Purebred Churro lamb of 2012

by Kim on March 27, 2012

First Churro lamb of the season
First Churro lamb of 2012

First Churro lamb of 2012 at Mountain Niche Farm

Purple One is the first purebred Navajo Churro lamb born for this season. It is an exciting time here on the farm with new lambs of various types.  Our Blue Faced Leicester X Gotland cross ewes Charla and Ronan lambed earlier with the two Shetlands. One Shetland is purebred, the other a BFL cross and their lambs were also in the early group.

Teacup Shetland cross (BFLXGot) lambs with momBFL cross white ewe with Churro cross boy

The Black Shetland is a purebred, whose lambs are out of our cross ram Iggy, a BFL/Gotland cross. The lambs at the right are also Iggy’s babies. The black boy is out a purebred Churro ewe #158, and the white girl is out of a Shetland/BFL cross named Judy Montana. Charla, Ronan and Judy Montana all came from Judy Colvin’s place near where else? but somewhere between Charlo and Ronan, Montana. More pictures will be posted as I try to keep up with the lambs and moms. We still have 10 more Navajo-Churro girls to lamb. Some are bred purebred and the others are going to be meat lambs or pets. 


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